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link to bare-metal foil pageClick here to learn about and purchase Bare-Metal® Foil

link to panel scriber pageClick here to read about and purchase the Bare-Metal® Panel Scriber

small trout water splashNew 9 hour DVD series
"Creating an Artificial Water Splash"

link to polytek mold rubber pageClick here for Polytek® Mold Making Rubber Compounds

link to hyperlast resin pageClick here for Hyperlast® Polyurethane Casting Resin

link to experts-choice decal pageClick here to purchase
Experts-Choice® Decal Film

Click here to read about making concrete stamps using Polytek® 75-80 Polyurethane Rubber


If you would like a hard copy of the slideshow we sell the "How to use Bare-Metal Foil" in handbook form for $2.50 plus postage.

001 Bare-Metal® Foil (Chrome) $5.50
004 Bare-Metal® Foil (Ultra Brite Chrome) $5.50
007 Bare-Metal® Foil (Black Chrome) $5.50
008 Bare-Metal® Foil (Gold) $5.50
011 Bare-Metal® Foil (Matte Aluminum) $5.50
017 Bare-Metal® Foil (Real Copper) $7.00
105 How To Use Bare-Metal® Handbook $2.50

